Courtney smiling

Courtney Johnston von Nieda

Director of Testing

Uses exploratory and automated testing to ensure delivery of thoroughly tested, high-quality products.

About Courtney

After 3 years of analyzing data to manage pricing and contracts for trucking companies, Courtney made the switch to software testing when she joined a Fortune 500 freight company in 2007.  She's served stints as a Business Analyst and Product Manager and completed the LaunchCode coding boot camp. Courtney is experienced in automated testing, manual testing, and managing testing teams, and has delivered countless well-tested software solutions throughout her career thus far.

What's Courtney's favorite thing about her role?

"I enjoy getting to become a subject matter expert in every project and having deep knowledge of why a piece of software exists and whose life it makes better."

Courtney Johnston von Nieda
Courtney Johnston von Nieda
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