Deric smiling

Deric Mendez


Builds products as a member of the production team while also helping mentor and give direction to the development team as a whole.

About Deric

Deric first attended college with the intent of getting an engineering degree but was later recommended to a Web Applications program. Starting his career in tech, Deric had the intent to work as a web designer: however, that role didn't exist without more hands-on development. Since then, Deric has been working on mastering his development skills and trying to keep up with the intense flux of ever-changing technologies. Before Crema, most of the work Deric had done was making content sites interactive and visually appealing. Today Deric works on large scale applications while thinking about scalability, working with 3rd party services and APIs, and pushing client-side development to its limits.

What's Deric's favorite thing about his role?

"Making sure that the projects I work not only look great, but anyone can intuitively use them."

Deric Mendez
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Deric Mendez
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